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Pediatric Case 13 References

Salter-Harris Type II fracture of the middle phalanx.

  1. Bachman D, Santora S: Orthopedic Trauma. In Fleisher GR, Ludwig S, Henretig FM (eds): Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2006, pp 1526-7.
  2. Levine RH, Foris LA, Nezwek TA, et al. Salter Harris Fractures. [Updated 2021 Apr 21]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan-. Available from:
  3. McQuillen KK: Musculoskeletal Disorders. In In Marx JA, Hockberger RS, Walls RM. (eds): Rosen's Emergency Medicine, 6th Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2006, pp 2689-92.
  4. Moore W: Salter-Harris Fractures. 21 Mar 2007. 14 Jan 2008.